What Are Your 18 Dreams for 2018?

2017 was a turbulent year for so many people, and for the world in general. Although we can always find gratitude in our lives, there are times when searching for gratitude doesn’t come as easily as one would hope. I have heard from some that simply knowing 2017 is over makes them grateful. And that is perfectly good enough.

There is joy in endings, because it means new beginnings. And so to end 2017, I wanted to create some hope for a 2018 as a year of new beginnings. We are one month in to 2018 and already I have witnessed a refresh of energy, motivation and commitment to change.

It is at this time of the year that New Year’s resolutions are starting to fade. Resolutions are a cultural tradition, laced with celebration, fantastic intentions and a glimmer of hope as the clock strikes midnight that the next year will be the ONE when the weight falls off, the new job lands in your lap, you become truly happy, the kids get into the best schools and onto the best teams and your work performance soars.

If you are frustrated that you are not sticking to your plan, please know that this is normal. Resolutions created in this context do not normally stick, and that’s okay. It’s okay because you enjoyed the process of sharing them with your friends and family, and toasting to them when the ball dropped. You felt happy and hopeful, and there is much benefit to these cultural practices that are unrelated to whether or not you have successfully implemented your resolutions thus far.

To create a twist on the New Year’s resolution, and to turn the often-boring-process of goal setting into something more interesting, I am inviting you to join me in committing to “18 Dreams for 2018.”

This is my way of creating a fun, bold 2018 Bucket List. This is meant to be a free-flow, unedited list of all that you wish for yourself in 2018.

When brainstorming this list, here is the question:

“What will I do this year to become the person I want to be at the end of 2018?”

There is no right or wrong, easy or hard, to these “18 Dreams”. These can range from deeply personal shifts to outings with your family. They can be business and personal, fun and serious. You can create one for yourself and one with your family. Your children or spouse may surprise you with their thoughts and dreams.

There is great power in writing things down: you will actually remember these dreams and be reminded to get going (put the list somewhere you will see it regularly), you increase your personal accountability for them, you will put a plan in place to achieve them, and there is more pleasure in completing them. Be as specific as you can, and understand how they tie in to your own life and your own values.

Imagine the toast you will have at the end of this year, knowing you lived your list of dreams. You’ll proudly ring in the new year, embracing another list of dreams, while whole-heartedly counting down the seconds and sharing your resolutions alongside everyone else. Give it a shot and see what happens.

Click here to download your copy of “18 Dreams for 2018.”

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